Other questions

How is this different from an energy meter?

An energy meter is a digital meter that keeps track of the energy levels and allows the user to see what the consumption levels are. You place the energy meter between the socket and the appliance; once start has been pressed, the counter starts running. The meter shows current consumption, consumption during a certain period of time and the associated costs. As such, the energy meter shows you the costs over the period of time in which the measurement took place.

Who's collaborating on the Energy Indicator?

The project has been first initaited in the Netherlands, with the support of The Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Milieu Centraal, the suppliers of white, brown and grey goods, retailers in the Netherlands, and UNETO-VNI.
The project is now running 11 EU countries, and has received a support from the European Commission´s Intelligent Energy Europe programme.

Who determines the consumption figures?

The consumption figures for individual product are quoted from the energy label, which the product manufacturer is obliged to produce when placing the product on the market.
The average energy prices is based on the official average national figures.

How long has the Energy Indicator been around?

The national launch for consumers in the Netherlands was on 30 September 2010, the EU-wide project has been started in May 2012.

Where is the information saved?

Suppliers add the information to a central database. The data remains in the database as long as the product is on the market.

What else can I do to save energy and money?
For more information, go to the section on tips for the environment (tips on using and purchasing electrical appliances).

Does the Energy Indicator have an influence on products?

The Energy Indicator encourages suppliers to develop energy-efficient appliances.

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